Gods of Wesandran

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Gods of Wesandran Empty Gods of Wesandran

Post by Dungeon Master Wed Feb 24, 2021 5:53 pm

Helm, The Blessed Guardian.
Helm is the God of guardians, soldiers and duty. His most prominent quality - loyalty. His worshippers follow strict codes of honor and survival, placing their guardianship among their top qualities. Typically favored among warriors, especially those who are human and elven, Helm has created a home for himself in Quasen. In times of war and unrest, people typically turn to worship him, in hopes of gaining bravery and receiving his guardianship during battle.
Depiction. Helm is typically depicted as a human male, with pale skin and blue eyes, his shield and sword facing forward in an attack position.
Enemies. Helm’s biggest enemy is Asmodeus, who claims to take away his seat as the patron of most Quasenians.

Guard those who are weaker than you. Greatest honor comes in the form of guardianship.
Be loyal to yourself and your fellows. Never bent your loyalty, especially if you promised it.
Honor your past. Always remember it.

Lathander, The Inspiring Light
Those who worship Lathander, yearn for the path of light and goodness. They seek inspiration and beauty in all things, looking to the sun and the magic of daylight as their guide. He’s the guiding light to most good-aligned creatures, who aim to spread happiness and goodness across all worlds. Sometimes, he is called the Morninglord, but that title doesn’t belong to him.
Depiction. Typically depicted as a dark man, with curly hair and green eyes, standing and overlooking a pleasant sunlight. His symbolism includes dawn, sun, recreation, valleys, rest.
Enemies. Lathander’s greatest enemy is the Fane of Life, an olden entity, who claimed the title of Morninglord before him. While Lathander does not hate the fane, he despises her advocacy for life as a cycle.

Spread joy and happiness wherever you go. Thrive to put smiles on other’s faces.
Enjoy every little moment of your life. Aim to cheer others who do not.
Spread the word of Lathander to all people, especially those who worship the fane of life.

Selune, The Moon-Bearer
Selune is a gentle soul, guardian and goddess of all things good and holy. Her worshippers are typically those who have been shun by society or rejected by other gods. Selune is one who believes in second chances, and thrives to give others ability to change and do better. But that does not mean she should be taken lightly. Many overlook Selune in hopes of gaining favors from more powerful Gods, but Selune rewards those who follow her with many gifts - some rarer than those coming from bigger Gods.
Depiction. She is often shown as a pale, elven woman with white hair flowing around her body and stars within her eyes.
Enemies. Selune’s greatest enemy is Lolth, who used to be her lover. Once a powerful goddess of truth and originality, Lolth fell from her throne and abandoned hope, seeking to gain power. This upset Selune, who had to forsaken her lover to remain pure.

Never commit evil acts against others.
Always spread hope and accept change. Allow others to change.
Pray to Selune and she may gift you extraordinary powers.

Ilmatter, The Suffering Hand
Imatter is a complicated God, devoted to truth and freedom at all costs. In the pantheon, his name is not very high and his worshippers are not very many, but they are mighty. Ilmatter has always been known to favor those who commit to suffering in the name of religion, and those who sacrifice themselves in the place of their friends. He favors martyrs, who would go above and beyond to achieve their goals, especially if those goals are noble. Ilmatter is powerful, but often overlooked, sitting in the shadows.
Depiction. Typically he is shown as a bronze-skinned humanoid, who’s bleeding from wearing a crown of thorns around his head. His eyes are always twisted back and his face is with a painful expression.
Enemies. Ilmatter’s greatest enemy is Destor, who spreads unluck and ill-fate. Destor mocks Ilmatter’s wish for sacrifice and martyrdom, and often tempts Ilmatter to be more selfish.

Sacrifice is the truest form of devotion. Don’t be afraid to sacrifice yourself for worthy goals.
Make it your life’s mission to suffer silently, never boast about your martyrdom.
Dedicate your words to Ilmatter, and he shall look over you and give you a place in his paradise.

Torm, The Mighty Servant
Torm is best known for his servitude and loyalty. To the Wesandran continent, he is the protector of servants, maids and to some extent - even slaves. Although, Wesandrians who are slavers do not consider slaves to be people. Torm is the God of those who find pleasure in servitude, whether it be religious or political, or homely. He is also the God of all those who need courage on bad days, and those who seek compassion in the times of need. Above all, he places duty, obedience and patience. Many who are stuck in service of others worship him, especially in hopes to better their condition.
Depiction. Typically depicted as a meek, short man with a beard and glistening brown eyes, carrying only a shield to protect himself.
Enemies. Torm’s greatest enemy is Torog, who seeks to inflict torture and pain on others, and never has any patience. Many times have Torm and Torog fought, but neither could win.


Remain obedient to others, wherever you can. Relinquish all selfishness.
Never put yourself first. Always put the needs of others first.
Patience is the greatest virtue.

Elidath, The Mother Nature
Elidath is the peaceful goddess of nature and balance within the world. Her realms are the forests and vast canyons, raging waters and calm pools, tall mountains and green hills. She is the Mother of All, and the Protector of Creation. In her arms, Elidath has the world of Quasen. Worshipped by many who walk the path of nature, Elidath is present everywhere you go. Her influence and reach is never-ending, and her hope for peace touches all who follow her.
Depiction. Typically an elven woman with green hair and forest-covered bod, Elidath is shown walking the path of the forest or bathing in the warmth of the sun.
Enemies. Elidath’s greatest enemies are all evil Gods, but no one is her enemy more than the Old God Mourn, who ravages and destroys all in his path. She was the one to aid her followers in his imprisonment, and if she could - she would end his existence.

Revere nature. Find beauty in every leaf, every trail and every drop of water.
Remain peaceful with yourself and others.
Find your answers in solitude. Never speak before thinking.

Lliira, The Songstress
Lliira is one of the lesser main Gods, typically worshipped among musicians and artists, and lovers of the animal kingdom. She is kind and compassionate, and her followers are those who seek to spread joy across the world. Lliira’s songs could put even the saddest souls to sleep and inspire goodness in the hearts of many.
Depiction. Lliira is shown as black girl with flowers in her hair, surrounded by animals from all sides. Her murals can be found in homes and temples, and even in the forests, where she is carved in the trunks of large trees.
Enemies. Lliira’s greatest enemy is Onica, the old Goddess with whom she’s in constant competition. Lliira hates that there was someone more revered before her, and wishes for this person to be destroyed.

All art is good. Never judge another person’s art as if it was yours.
Laughter is music for the heart.
Onica is a false God and her followers must be turned to the light of Lliira.

Sune, The Beautiful
Sune is the vain, pretty Goddess of beauty. Women who seek the gifts of bodily beauty often worship her in hopes that they may become beautiful themselves. Many gifts are given in Sune’s name and altars are built in homes where people seek beauty as the means to get wealthy. Not many know that Sune’s secondary belief is ambition and power. While a “good” Goddess, Sune often encourages those who follow her to choose the path of beauty and grace, but be ambitious and vigilant in their pursuit.
Depiction. Sune is portrayed as an extremely beautiful woman with fiery red hair, surrounding her naked body. She does not shy away from showing how beautiful she is, and encourages others to boast about their beauty as well.
Enemies. The immortal Goddess has made Ravvan her enemy. Responsible for all things savage and beastly, he seeks to defy her every word, turning it into ugly things.

Outer beauty is everything. Respect your body and take care of it.
Surround yourself with beautiful people. Do not seek the cruel.
Seek to change those who cannot see the way of beauty, inspire and enlighten them.

Siamorphe, The Ruler
Revered as the wife of Helm, the God of All, Siamorphe is a diligent ruler of the pantheon, and a Goddess who inspires knowledge and nobility above all else. Her worshippers are usually those in the upper class, who can lavish in her gifts - nobility is not for everyone. She favors those who seek power and those who have righteous ambition, but scorns those who dive too deep inside the dark arts. She is the Goddess favored by Kings and Queens, rulers and politicians of all designs.
Depiction. Typically shown as a studious woman, wearing a white robe and holding a book in her hand. Siamorphe’s face always remains unseen - hidden under a hood. Only her smile betrays her cunning and knowledge.
Enemies. Hextor is Siamorphe’s direst enemy. He thrives to turn her followers into his, corrupting those who seek power - to seek too much power. Ambition is his greatest tool, and so is pain. Siamorphe has managed to capture Hextor and ensure that his beliefs do not get out of the way, but it has been hard to contain him.

Always follow a ruler worth following.
Morality above all else. Ensure that you are righteous and your goals are not flawed.
Ambition gives you power, but you should never see too much - it may corrupt you.

Oghma, The Teacher
Oghma is the God of all teachers and creators, inventors and sculptors, mages and arcane followers. He inspires all those who seek him to pursue magic and the secrets of the unknown. His way is the way of the past, future and present. He thrives to teach everyone the secrets of the universe - and his followers live by both true and forbidden knowledge. Oghma has no bounds and will do whatever it takes to teach those who listen to him.
Depiction. To most, Oghma is a formless figure, cloaked and hidden from the world - what he holds inside his hands is a mystery. To others it's a faceless man. Since magic is frowned upon in many regions of Wesandran, not many statues of Oghma remain, and his true form is a mystery, only known to his most loyal followers.
Enemies. While Oghma thrives to learn and teach from all knowledge, there are things that are too dark even for Oghma - those that the Raven Queen teaches. Risen as his biggest adversary, Raven Queen is hard to tame. For years, she has stayed away from Wesandran, but something brought her back.

Seek knowledge anywhere you go. Learn from the past and present, so you may guide the future.
Magic is not evil, but it can be used for the sake of evil. Always use magic to heal and mend.
Respect all faiths and beliefs, even if they crash with yours.

Berna, The Passionate
Berna is the elder sister of Illmatter. Together, they make a whole, and their beliefs aren’t that far off. The only difference is that Berna is not fanatical, but instead logical. Berna’s teachings revere suffering but only done for right reasons, and encourage passion and resilience instead. Great warriors and leaders pray for Berna, so that they may continue to struggle for their goal. But also farmers and townsfolk, who hope to become more compassionate and have a better season. Berna accepts everyone, from all walks of life.
Depiction. Often shown as a woman in the mist, carrying a flask of crystal clear water. Berna’s also associated with broken hearts and mending such hearts. Her worshippers don’t build her grand temples, instead dedicating smaller, more intimate shrines for her.
Enemies. Erythul is Berna’s foe. He claims to have dominion over her followers, constantly corrupting the hearts of mortals with malice and hate. Berna struggles to overtake him, every day, but the two are stuck in constant battle over the mortal souls.
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Gods of Wesandran Empty Re: Gods of Wesandran

Post by Dungeon Master Wed Feb 24, 2021 5:57 pm

Asmodeus, The Hell Lord
Known for his vile nature, power hunger and selfishness, Asmodeus has recently acquired a large following among the mages, wizards and pirates who seek power among all things. As a lord and ruler of all evil, Asmodeus is one of the strongest, most prominent Gods. He isn’t revered by many, and his worship is almost exclusively reserved to those who are evil, but some politicians and warriors will also consult with Asmodeus, if they need to gain unimaginable power or tackle a difficult task.
Depiction. Often shown as a maroon man, with spiral black horns and yellow eyes, Asmodeus is depicted as handsome, cunning, almost beautiful.
Enemies. Asmodeus is in constant battle with Helm, who he wishes to unseat. They are both powerful Gods, stuck in an eternal struggle between good and evil, but Asmodeus has a plan - and he thinks that his plan will work to unseat and maybe even destroy Helm.


Seek power above all things. Never give it up.
Tears are for the weak. Never let your enemies or your friends see with your guard down.
Trust no one. All are your and Asmodeus subjects. They are beneath you.

Hextor, The Battling Arrow
Hextor is a fallen God of tyranny and war. A bloodthirsty God with a feeling for vengeance and deceit towards his followers, Hextor has fallen from the view in the recent years. While his worship has not been completely destroyed, those who look towards him are far between and usually do so in secret. In Wesandran, many people have suffered through some sort of conflict and many wish nothing more but peace. However, there are a few of those who wish to spread fear, tyranny and instigate conflict, who look towards the Battling Arrow with hope to help them.
Depiction. A gigantic goliath, with silver rings and red blazing eyes, smoke coming out of his mouth and nostrils. Hextor is always shown carrying a bow and arrow in his hands, muscular and taller than the rest, formidable.
Enemies. More than anything, Hextor despises Siamorphe. Trapped in her ethereal prison, he is forced to succumb to his whims and his power over the mortals who worship him is significantly weaker. But Hextor has a plan - to turn Siamorphe, seduce her, maybe empower her and give her a darker, meaner streak. He’s been slowly poisoning her followers, and turning her into a less feminine, darker figure.

War and conquest are the most important in life.
There is no pride in running away from the battlefield. Drink the blood of your enemies, and crush them in the name of Hextor.
Turn Siamorphe’s followers to your side. Lure them with power, seduce them if you can.

The Raven Queen, Mother of Darkness
The Raven Queen is rumored to be an elven mage, who lived within Wesandran when it was filled with Roevians. She was so obsessed with the power of darkness and necromancy, that she overtook the power from her dark goddess, and became a goddess herself. The Raven Queen is followed by all those who are corrupted by yearning for more dark arcana and necromancy. She relishes in undeath and is the mother of ravens, and scorned creatures.
Depiction. No one seems to know how the Raven Queen looks. Most depict her as a faceless woman, surrounded by raven feathers with a jagged crown.
Enemies. While most Gods have made enemies with a mortal who traversed to become a deity, no one hates the Raven Queen more than Oghma. While he tracks her and aims to destroy her, he has not been able. His pride to only possess the knowledge that has been given by good, is what makes him significantly weaker than the Raven Queen, who uses magic of all kinds - and whenever she wants. After hearing about the return of the Shards, the Raven Queen began making her return to Wesandran, by corrupting the mortals who seek the forbidden lores.

Learn everything you can. Dark magic was created for you to mend and control.
Dedicate your memories to the Raven Queen. You don’t need attachments. All you need is power.
Arcana is the only way of life and magic is the only answer. Everyone else is weak and worthless.

Nerull, The Death
Nerull is the evil God of Death. While in most cultures he is somewhat revered, the God is far from good and just. Nerull is the judge of the afterlife, a god that ferries the souls to be reborn or to relish in hell-doom. He is responsible for all creatures, whether they are good or bad - and he doesn’t always rule in favor of the good. Nerull used to be a neutral God, but his own agenda and ambition was swayed by Asmodeus, who turned him to the side of evil. He fell and his name was desecrated but many people didn’t turn away from him in fear of an angry afterlife.
Depiction. Nerull is painted as a ghostly shadow with no face, but traces of misty darkness coming out of where his hands would be.
Enemies. Wesa is Nerull’s main enemy, although he equally hates all of the old Gods and most of the new ones. He despises that before him, there was another ruler of the mortal afterlife. He also dislikes the Fane of Death, but he has not been able to reach her. He has Wesa in his grasp, imprisoned beneath the Cresit Mountain.

Death is the only way, there is no other way.
Do not judge those who do evil or do good, your path is to take care of yourself and deserve the afterlife.
You must repent in the name of Nerull and pray for him, for he is the only God who can bring you justice after death.

Torog, The Torturer
Torog is the mighty god of strength and devilish resilience. Not revered, but feared, Torog’s name makes even the bravest creatures quiver in fear. He has a huge influence over Wesandran, because it used to be a slave state, and there is no better place for pain and torture than a slaver’s home. Most slavers worshipped Torog, and those who remained wishing for the “better” days to come, still continue to revere him. Even though banned through most of the continent, Torog still remains strong within it.
Depiction. Torog is depicted as an extremely muscular giant with fiery horns and blazing black fire eyes. He always carries a whip of execution with him and smiles before he murders his victims in cold blood.
Enemies. If Torog could he would get rid of Torm, who always stands in the way of his greatness. He plans and conspires against the God, but Torm is always able to outsmart him.

Punish your enemies. Inflict pain and torture upon them.
Never show mercy. Nobody deserves it.
Kill others in the name of Torog. Thrive to achieve more power for His name.

Lolth, The Spider Queen
Lolth used to be the goddess that most drows and fallen aasimars used to worship. She had much power over the continent when Roeva was clashing with Lasant, and was a big instigator for drama and conspiracy. But her days are far behind her - she is becoming abandoned, forgotten. While she still instills fear in people’s faces, she is not nearly as powerful and her influence even over politicians is waning. Now only those in the darkest depths utter her name in prayer and donate offerings to her cause.
Depiction. Lolth is depicted as a pale drow woman with black markings of a spider over her face and black hair, wrapping around her frail, bony body.
Enemies. Selune is Lolth’s enemy, but not by choice. The doomed spider queen is still in love with the lover from her past, but the two are unable to reconcile their differences - and Lolth has changed to be one of the instigators of evil.


Deception is your strongest weapon.
You can be loved and feared. You don’t have to choose one.
Don’t commit to romantic love, it will only fool you.

Destor, The Waning Luck
Destor is one of the weaker, lesser Gods from the mighty pantheon. His believers follow him in hopes of gaining his favor and luck, and out of fear of his curses and deceptions. Destor is very picky as a patron, and won’t choose just anyone. He wants the champion, the best, the strongest - but almost always ends up getting the short end of the stick. Destor is unfortunate, just like the ones who worship him.
Depiction. Destor is usually shown as a handsome boy, sitting on the rock and wandering over the horizon. He never seems to age or grow up.
Enemies. Destor is a tempter, he doesn’t aim to always make enemies. He dislikes Ilmatter, because he finds him too righteous and wishes to tempt him to be more selfish, just for the fun of it.


Wish bad luck onto others, or Destor will send bad luck to you.
Worship and revere Destor, and pray that he does not give you his ill luck.
Make business dealings in the names of your God, so that they may be blessed.

Ravvan, The Ravaged Beast
Ravvan is the terrifying God of beasts and monsters, all things savage and wild. He is what fills people’s hearts with yearning for blood and hunger for flesh. He’s the corruption of many mortals, and arguably one of the most powerful Gods. He is feared, greatly and across all the continents of Quasen. To worship Ravvan, one needs to want nothing but blood and killing. Those who conquer and pillage often do so in his name.
Depiction. Ravvan is shown as a half lion, half bird. He has the formidable lion-head with wide teeth and black fur, and a body of a lizard-like bird, with huge black wings and crow-like feet.
Enemies. While Ravvan considers all to be his enemies, he has a special spot for Sune, who threatens to undermine his work. He wishes to tame her and destroy her, therefore destroying any beauty present in the world.

Blood and glory are the only two things that matter!
Kill and pillage, wherever you conquer.
If you come out of battle without scars, it was not a worthy battle.

Erythul, The Envious Eye
Erythul is present in mortal day-to-day life, and while he is not worshipped, you can never escape him. Corruption and greed, and envy are some of the core things that drive Wesandran. This continent is like Erythul’s home. He enjoys relishing in mortal sins and sending souls to hell, and feeds off those who are corrupted by him.
Depiction. Erytul is portrayed as a man sitting on a throne of bones, holding a skull in his hand and smoking a cigar.
Enemies. Erythul seeks to destroy Berna, whichever way he can. He despises righteousness and passion, and wants it out of the world so he can overtake the hearts of mortals.

Use your envy as a tool to get your forward.
Never look back at those you left behind or those you stepped over. They are unworthy of your attention.
Lie, deceive and spread hate wherever you can.
Dungeon Master
Dungeon Master

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Gods of Wesandran Empty Re: Gods of Wesandran

Post by Dungeon Master Wed Feb 24, 2021 5:58 pm

Fane of Life, Rowan
The Fane of Life is the mother of all creation. She is the native to Barovia, the land where she has long been worshipped by the forest folk and local barbarians. In her later reincarnations, she has been transformed into the Morninglord, claiming the title before Lathander. She is highly worshipped among those who prefer nature and her home is the Tree of Life.

Fane of Death, Darvin

Fane of Death is the ancient sister of the universe, a protector of mortals, who guides them to Etherralis. While only native to Barovia, she has recently spread out her influence over some floating islands, where people have begun to worship her and retitle their land to be hers - Etherralis. This fane governs over the natural cycle of life and death, and advocates for all to find their own place in the universe.

Mad Eye, Fane of Souls
Mad Eye is the fane of Souls, protector of the mortal and in some cases immortal soul in Barovia. He guides the souls to the afterlife and out of it, and makes sure that they are all accounted and remembered. He nudges his followers on the right path and embraces unity as well individuality and ambition. He’s a very unique God and powers he bestoves on others can be incredible. Some of his arcanic followers receive the powers of soulamancy.

Rasha, Gherzhen, Union & Eyoven
These four Gods are the Pillars of Nature, worshipped by the native people of Wesandran. They are ancient and incredibly powerful, demanding rich sacrifices and prayer. Once Wesandran was occupied, these Gods were abandoned, only remembered by those who originally lived in this land. The four Gods had accepted their destiny as fallen, after they attempted to bend the will of the new mortals and failed. Each God governs over some part of Wesandran nature. Sometimes, Wesandrans claim that you can meet the Gods, for they have assumed mortal forms and are living amongst the people, slowly being forgotten.

Onica, The Music Princess
Onica was especially revered by the native inhabitants of Wesandran, as the Goddess of music and entertainment. She has always been a mysterious song-maker, bringing joy and happiness to her creations. She was toppled and nearly destroyed in the war between Gods and New Mortals, but she retreated to the islands, where she continues to be worshipped to this day.

Jucata, Mage Hand
Contrary to the popular belief and the written history, the indingenous people were well versed in magic and magical items. They were led by a mysterious Goddess - Jucata. She was the star, leading them out of the darkness of the never-ending sea. Her powers and knowledge of the arcane inspired many to follow the path of magic. It is largely believed that a lot of the older magic that Roevians learned, came from learning and revering Jucata.

Mourn, Malisse, Yus, Ashar, Cicine
Just like there were good Gods, there were also evil Gods, who fed off corruption, green, darkness and destruction. Those were Mourn, Malisse, Yus, Ashar and Cicine. While these Gods were so powerful that they could not be killed, they were trapped by Mortals and the new Gods into underground prisons beneath the mortal world. They still corrupt the minds of people and attempt to sway them in their direction, but it is much harder to do so, when you’re stuck in prison.

Wesa is the evil Goddess who governs over the afterlife. She has never been good and has always judged souls harlshy. She used to rule of the fane of death, but the fane freed herself, creating Etherralis - a place of second chances. This angered Wesa, who sought the destruction of the fane, but she was unable to do much - the world had turned against her, burying her body deep beneath the ocean floor.

Pryan, The First God
Largely believed to be the first God ever, Pryan is the light and the darkness, it’s balance. He is a God that cannot be killed or destroyed and will forever exist - whether there is worship or there is none. Those who know his name and speak it, are usually people of knowledge, science, mysteries of the universe. They have power others do not possess. And yet Pryan does not seek any power for himself. He is an endless God, floating in the larger scale of the universe.

Nayana, The Void
To some, Nayana is known as the maker of destiny. No one has really seen or heard this Goddess and many believe her to be a myth, something that doesn’t even exist. But Nayana is well and real, and has a significant influence over this world that many don’t even realize. She is, after all, the pause between words, the space between each person on the street, the void in your heart when you're not feeling anything at all. To underestimate her is foolish.

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Gods of Wesandran Empty Re: Gods of Wesandran

Post by Dungeon Master Wed Feb 24, 2021 5:59 pm

These are some of the smaller, lesser deities, usually children of Gods, or men who ascended into God-hood, but never fully bloomed. These deities aren’t as revered, and don’t have huge temples built for them, but have, in recent years, amassed some sort of following. There’s Deiva, who’s an egotistical new deity, worshipped by those who enjoy being in the center of attention. She rose from the ashes of some of the old Gods, and became revered especially among the more evil dwarves, who aimed to satisfy their own goals. Malah is the lesser Goddess of those who enjoy committing crimes and doing wrongs to others. She is often a reason for burglary or property destruction, as well as desecration. Fekre is the lesser Goddess of poxes, the queen of unhealthy life and illness. Sometimes, people will pray for her to leave them alone and will make offerings in her name, so that she may be appeased.

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