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Post by Dungeon Master Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:59 pm

Hello and welcome to our humble forum! We are so glad to have you around. But before you start making your way through the dangerous streets of Spire, or exploring the jungle in Wyandluh, take a moment to read up on the rules. They are very important!

  1. Don't forget to create your character. Every new character starts at first level and your character biographies go to the pending list. Once an admin or moderator approves them, you are welcome to play to your heart's content.
  2. Don't be mean or rude. We don't tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia or any other insults to a person or number of people. If you have personal grievances, please address them with the person, and ask help from a moderator or admin if someone is harassing you.
  3. Have fun! Don't forget that this experience is meant to be fun and don't take it too seriously.
  4. Remember that this is a roleplaying experience. Besides battles and other events, don't forget that this is, first and foremost, for roleplay. So enjoy your chats with other players, but put them in appropriate discussions. If you need to say something not in character while roleplaying, put it in brackets.
  5. Roleplay Points are like "money". The more you post and engage, the more you can buy with your money. There are dedicated shops everywhere!
  6. Your level advancement is also based on roleplay points. The more you have, the higher level you are. Don't forget to always submit for your level rank to be changed!
  7. Don't forget to also create your actual character sheet for special combat events! For this you can use our shared dndbeyond campaign: Wesandran. You may also create a separate sheet on a platform you're comfortable with.
Dungeon Master
Dungeon Master

Posts : 387
Join date : 2021-02-23

Character sheet
Hit Points:
Rules Left_bar_bleue100/100Rules Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
AC: 15

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