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Welcome to the World!  Empty Welcome to the World!

Post by Dungeon Master Tue Feb 23, 2021 3:44 pm

Wesandran is a continent in the larger world of Maecaer. Surrounded by all sides with sea and tropical islands, Wesandran has a long and complicated history. Multiple countries span over the continent and tensions are rising in Wesandran again. After years of peace, the conquering empires are on the verge of war once again.
To the north of Wesandran is nothing but sea, to the west is the continent of Eolis, a lush land with many inviting opportunities. To the east is Kunjash, housing many advanced countries and some smaller valleys, filled with nature and beauty, including the valleys of Barovia. To the south is Marasmadom, a wasteland with few civilized regions, rich in minerals and expensive gems.

A region of many riches, Wesandran has always been a source of unrest and great conflict within Maecaer. From warring kingdoms in the continent, to conquerors, hailing from this place and attempting to rule other kingdoms in far away regions, Wesandran was always full of trouble.
Before any advanced societies developed within Wesandran, indingenous people here lived in small tribes, keeping peace with nature and themselves. They prayed to an ancient set of Gods and Goddesses, and were extremely primitive in nature. Eventually, conquerors from the west and east invaded Wesandran, driving the indigenous people to the rock formations, floating above the ground. There, they set up their towns and after many years, joined the civilized kingdoms - at least in some cases.
The loss of indigenous Gods and tribes led to a great unbalance within Wesandran. Once the first societies started establishing, they discovered that the people of the continent weren’t lying about Gods’ Wrath. Mountainous formations rose, rivers flooded, coasts were made unbearable - many natural disasters occurred, until the westerns realized that they too, will need to appease the Gods. However, like any civilization advanced enough, they found it hard to succumb to primitive whims of olden nature Gods.
A war between primal Gods and the civilizations occurred. It lasted at least 25 years, until finally, the olden Gods were defeated and driven into prisons beneath the very mountains they created. The westerners then rose to power over the continent, flourishing and conquering the regions within Wesandran. But some darkness remained, hiding within the mountains of Cresit Peak…

However, peace was not meant to last. As countries and empires rose, some were meant to stand - and some were meant to fall. Three powers arose in Wesandran: Empire of Chronos, Lasant and Roeva Kingdom. Chronos was a strong, military state with intent of colonizing nearby islands. Lasant was strong with trade and the seas, and loved sailing and hunting mythical creatures beyond all. And Roeva was focused on religion and magic, spreading the words of the new Gods in the continent. For a while, the three nations lived in peace, but each had a different view of the future for Wesandran.
Eventually, Chronos attacked. Strong and militaristic, it slowly began consuming Lasant, which preferred the seas and were not ready to retaliate on land. In return, Lasant called on aid from Roeva and attacked Chronos from the sea. All islands that Chronos conquered were lost, simply because Lasant were better at sea warfare. But Lasant lost huge chunks of territory to Chronos before Roeva could aid them with magic.
Roeva believed that much could be accomplished with the powers of the new Gods and the magic that has been gifted to the people of Roeva Kingdom. They set forth to convert Lasant and join kingdoms in an union that would bring the end for Chronos. Originally reluctant, eventually, Lasant agreed to join with Roeva in their union to defeat Chronos.
The Empire of Chronos fought hard and long, but was eventually destroyed and their cities and military was overrun by powerful magic users hailing from Roeva and Lasant. In the wake of that destruction, Lasant discovered that Chronos had been excavating the mountains - searching for answers from the Old Gods and aiming to awaken the horrors, locked away in the caverns. Afraid of betrayal from magicians, Lasant attempted to turn against Roeva, but it was too late. They were crushed and made mindless slaves, serving for the New and Old Gods, and the magical councils of Roeva. But the Lasant that remained in the sea where free and eventually piracy began spreading across the Iukan, Halios and Ghesyl Seas. Lasant conquered the islands and made their own empire - Wyandluh, in the name of the family which survived long enough to establish it.
Mainland, Roeva began their treacherous rule. For at least a hundred years, no one rose to defeat their power. Afraid of Roeva’s magics and manic devotion, no other continent wanted to challenge them and all internal forces were quickly suppressed. Lasant became slaves in the new empire, serving to their magical masters. But Lasant at sea grew stronger - and began planning their assault against the nation. Within Roeva, a secret rebellion was born. What the rebels didn’t know is that it was all Roeva’s dark plan. The indingenous tribes continued to flow above the ground, waiting for Roeva to fall into his own consumption.
Eventually, a band of Lasant rebels began their assault on a smaller city in Roeva’s north. Over a thirty day assault, they manage to take and secure the city, establish a new government and abolish all magic. Takaata was a Lasant, who led this rebellious assault and was a key figure in establishing the government of Diamond City. His fellows named their new found region in his name. Soon, other rebels flooded the region, joining Takaata and his men in their fight and struggle. However, without magic, Takaata wasn’t going to last long.
In the south, Roevians were already scheming on how to take down Takaata and teach rebels a lesson. The tight grip on Lasant people grew even stronger and harsher, punishments for any sort of disobedience were very severe. Some people in Roeva began to see this as madness, and thrived for better conditions. At first, they attempted to establish a council, hoping to give slaves more protection as hired workers, but they were quickly rejected as radicals. Scheming within their own government, these radicals separated from Roeva and established trade. At first this was just a region, fractured within Roeva, but eventually, this region grew stronger and made way for its own country - Ghoelo.
However, the unfairness of the treatment of Lasant didn’t sit well with the independent Lasant empire of Wyandluh. The Wyandluhian pirates rallied the nation to stand up to Roeva, but they refused, settling for peaceful negotiations instead. When the negotiations failed, that made the previously angry pirates turn on Wyandluh and attempt their own assault. This plan took in motion on the northern port cities, where an attack was least expected by Roeva. The pirates used the Crescent River and Crescent lake as an advantage point, and were helped by indingeouns tribes in Moon Moors, who led them to victory against the now fracturing Roeva. Scared to lose their power, Roevians attempted to secure the port, but were repelled at the river point. They also tried to attack the islands, but even with magic, Roevians were no sailors and could not match the protective power of Wyandluh.
In the Crescent Region, the pirates established a new democracy - Royal Federation of Xharas. Joining powers with the indingenous people, they became one of the strongest nations in the region. In the south, tensions rose high. Fear from the north began driving even the most loyal slavers to question their commitment to Roeva’s government. One such nation separated itself, establishing Zerch Kingdom in the neighboring desert wastes. Roeva mocked this separation, and held its remaining cities strong, but the truth was that Roeva was deemed to fall.
The nations surrounding them from beyond the mountains threatened war, and Wyandluh was backing their claim from the sea. Roeva had no choice but to surrender Lasant slaves - or at least the ones who remained. Reluctant, they gave up the majority of their force - but some of the Lasant remained trapped in the mountains, hidden in secret.
That sliver was in Cresit Peak, closest to only one mountain city. Seeing that they now possess the power of all mountains, Desenburg separated from Roeva and established the Fallenwehem Empire. Roeva, eager to lose ties with its slaver past, renamed itself to be Ova Kingdom. Peace seemed to be established once again.

However, not all nations were as happy as it seems. In Takaata, many couldn’t agree on how they wanted to run their government. Part of Takaata was eager to reintroduce magic into the world, now free of slaves, but the other part was reluctant - no good thing seemed to come from magic. So Takaata split. Diamond City remained within main Takaata, but a smaller, less anti-religion kingdom of Jushvyn took Horizon city and the bountiful valleys.
The Royal Federation of Xharas made connection with the Ishava Island and Yandisk joined them as a nation. Port Royalis became the center of many things: trades, fishing, magic and a new kind of slavery - debt. Here, if you could not pay your debts, you became a “worker” on either land or ship. In the Moon Moors and Oberidom Range, mythical new powers began to rise.
Zerch had their own fair share of political unrest. An attack from another continent came hurling towards them, toppling the king and leaving young Strahd von Zarovich in charge. Seeking revenge, Strahd abandoned Zerch for Barovia and left it in the hands of Sergei, who could not keep the country in one piece. Civil unrest rose and corruption spread like wildfire, and the von Zarovich were driven out of their homeland and into Barovia. Those who left with them, never came back and eventually, many assumed them dead. In Zerch, king after king died, unable to unify everyone under a common goal. The country fell into a deep corruption and unrest, instability made it a weak target and deserts wethered the cities to dust.
Ova Kingdom suffered a civil war that led to the split between two. Soelin and Yasaka were born. Yasaka, while small, was magically mighty and filled with evils, but Soelin was no better - protected by mountains, the kingdom aimed to create an illusion that slavery did not exist - yet it was very prominent. Yasaka didn’t attempt to hide its true nature, but secret trade channels through the mountains were opened between Yasaka and The Fallenwehem Empire.
In the south-west, a fanatical group of indingenous folk received a prophecy from a God and established Fantherzon Pantheon - a sky nation, filled with religious fanatics, devoted to only one goal - spreading the word of their God and aiding in evil.

For years after the civil unrest, Wesandran has managed to keep some semblance of peace. But disappearances in the streets, talks of uncovered new magic and darkness hiding in the mountains and underneath, has led to another period of still, quiet tension.
While slavery may have been destroyed within Wesandran, it is far from gone. And those who facilitate it, aim to reawaken the powers of old and bring forth destruction to the new order. Only a few good souls stand in the way of that happening.

Dungeon Master
Dungeon Master

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Join date : 2021-02-23

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